Spiel: Neon Badeanzüge

Homepage / Abenteuer Spiele / Anzieh Spiele / Neon Badeanzüge Spiel (Neon Bathing Suits)

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Abgegebene Stimmen:  24 .  75%  mögen das Spiel.
Abgegebene Stimmen: 24 . 75% mögen das Spiel.
Beschreibung Neon Badeanzüge:
Summer is here and that means one thing: it’s time for beautiful Lisa to pack a few things and head to the seaside for a relaxing sunbathing session on her yacht. She’s going to spend the entire morning preparing for it and she could surely use your precious helping hand. Come and join her in getting the ‘Neon Bathing Suits’ game started and first of all, see if you could design a neon bathing suit for our fancy girl here. Select its shape and a few bold colors in order to make sure you come up with a unique design for Lisa’s bathing suit. Next you’ll have to shave her legs and armpit by using a delicate shaving foam and a razor. Don’t forget to also apply some sunblock and then you can put on the neon bathing suit you’ve created at the beginning of the game. Choose a matching pair of flip-flops, a pretty hair accessories and some sparkling jewelries and a pair of over-sized sunglasses. Great job, ladies! Now how much should we let her enjoy the warm sun rays?

Spiel Anleitung:
Play Neon Bathing Suits with your mouse.


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